She's Here

She's Here

This mixed media piece, She’s Here is from a series of artworks that deals with the grief of my mother dying five years ago. I have used a combination of still life elements and abstract shapes, layered up with collaged photographs and a range of media to create the idea of grasping and holding on to fragments of memories and stories about my mothers life growing up in the Netherlands in the late 1940’s and immigrating to New Zealand in 1951 with her brother and my Oma and Opa.

Artist Details

Artwork ref: 1823
Artist: Vanessa Narbey
Title: She's Here
Media: Mixed Media
Theme: Section 1: Contrast Theme
Sale Price: $1150

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On behalf of the Franklin Arts Festival we would like to extend our gratitude to all our sponsors.
Without their generous patronage the Art Show would not take place.

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