Rosalie Niu

What a gift I think to be born of Ngai-Tahu decent, to make it even better growing up in the Hokianga.
The colours of the seas and lands, the prettiest sunrise and golden sands.
Creatures great and small; my heart tells me I love them all.
Eight sisters five brothers too, my parents created a homely zoo.
My pets and insects I adore them all, in my bed or on the floor.
I’m so inspired.
My Art works OTT …The stars the lights, auras of the nights.
ACTUALLY it’s in everything I see.
Its my family and AOTERAROA for me ……

Currently Exhibited Artwork

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On behalf of the Franklin Arts Festival we would like to extend our gratitude to all our sponsors.
Without their generous patronage the Art Show would not take place.

As an event we depend on their support and in return we hope you can support them too.



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