ThienNga Tran

My name is Thien Nga Tran (nee Nga Nguyen)
I have been painting in oil, acrylic, and water colour on silk for over twenty five years. It was started, maintained and continued to grow by my unending intense passion. I am mainly self-taught and over the years I have picked up new techniques and produced some paintings that delighted me and won a few prizes in various competitions and exhibitions.
I feel I am on a painting journey with many thrills and spills. As I age my painting passion deepens and mellows and I want to develop a uniqueness in style to express my own way of looking at the world.

Thank you to all our sponsors

On behalf of the Franklin Arts Festival we would like to extend our gratitude to all our sponsors.
Without their generous patronage the Art Show would not take place.

As an event we depend on their support and in return we hope you can support them too.



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